About the Author

Jeffery John Boats is the only son of John and Shirley, and grew up in Allegany, New York. He graduated from Allegany Central School in 1988 at the age of fifteen. His only interests back then were mathematics and physics, which were his eventual majors at Saint Bonaventure University. He was still decades away from thinking of writing as anything more than just a fun diversion.

And at this point, I should probably stop writing in the third person. Ahhh, that’s better. Here’s a picture of me and my amazing parents.

As a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon, I wrote a linear algebra textbook with innovative (for the time) instructional technology, for which I was awarded a Doctor of Arts in Mathematics. But I also wrote screenplays, fan fiction, and a number of original works of fiction. They were mostly terrible of course, because that’s how all writers start. I’ve been writing ever since, mostly keeping it to myself, rarely showing anyone or even talking about it. Writing was just for me.

Writing remained just a fun hobby until about five years ago. My Mom passed away in August of 2016. Eventually, to fill the alone time, my Dad got really into reading, and he gravitated toward smart action heroes. His favorite works are Lee Child’s “Jack Reacher” books. I think he’s read every one of them.

And I thought … I can do that ….

Several years of planning, plotting, researching, and eventually writing, and here I am — the creator of an action/adventure/thriller series. I’m a professor of mathematics during the day, and a sculptor of universes at night. I’ve always been more of an artist than a scientist, and I’m truly enjoying showing it to the world for the first time. I hope you enjoy it too.

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